How to Install ffmpeg Centos 8 | Linux Server Management

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How to Install FFmpeg Centos 8 | Linux Server Management

FFmpeg is a free and open-source command-line tool for transcoding multimedia files. It contains a set of shared audio and video libraries such as libavcodec, libavformat, and libavutil. With FFmpeg, you can convert between various video and audio formats, set sample rates, and resize videos.

This tutorial covers the steps required to install FFmpeg on Ubuntu 18.04. We will show you how to install the distro stable version and the latest version of FFmpeg.

The same instructions apply for Ubuntu 16.04 and any Ubuntu-based distribution, including Linux Mint and Elementary OS.


You need to be logged in as root via SSH Client to complete the installation.

Installing FFmpeg 3.x on Ubuntu

The official Ubuntu repositories contain FFmpeg packages that can be installed with the apt package manager. This is the easiest way to install FFmpeg on Ubuntu. However, the version included in the repositories may lag behind the latest version of FFmpeg.

At the time of writing this article, the current version of FFmpeg available in the Ubuntu 18.04 repositories is 3.4.4.

Perform the steps below to install FFmpeg 3.x on Ubuntu 18.04:

1. Start by updating the packages list:

sudo apt update

2. Next, install FFmpeg by typing the following command:

sudo apt install ffmpeg

3. To validate that the package is installed properly use the ffmpeg -version the command which prints the FFmpeg version:

ffmpeg -version

The output should look something like this:

ffmpeg version 3.4.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 7 (Ubuntu 7.3.0-16ubuntu3)

To print all available FFmpeg’s encoders and decoders type:

ffmpeg -encoders
ffmpeg -decoders

That’s it. FFmpeg 3 is now installed on your system, and you can start using it.

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